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Creative Consulting and Direction


Dive into a seamless collaboration experience tailored for you.​

Whether you're embarking on a specific project or seeking ongoing creative guidance and partnerships, we've got a structured approach to bring your vision to life.

Here's a clear step-by-step guide to our streamlined process:


1. Choose Your Service:

  • Personal Branding

  • Creative Direction

  • Partnership Collaboration

  • Social Media Concept

  • Executive Creation (Photo- & Videography, Music Production and Design)

  • Idea Laboratory

2. Reach Out:

Fill out our simple form, detailing your needs and the service you're interested in.

For immediate guidance, select the "Idea Laboratory" option (form item 2 F).

Or write an e-mail to re(at)

3. Initiate the Collaboration:

Upon receiving your form submission, here's how we proceed based on your chosen service:

  • For 'Idea Laboratory' Consulting: Expect me to reach out within 24 hours. After detailing the terms and confirming your payment, you'll promptly receive the creative guidance you're looking for.

  • For All Other Service Packages: I'll get in touch to schedule a complimentary 15-minute call. This no-obligation session is our chance to discuss your needs and ensure we're the right fit for a successful collaboration.

4. Collaboration Begins:

Once terms are agreed upon, our creative journey together kicks off! Depending on your chosen service, this could involve detailed concepts, regular check-ins, content creation, or quick consulting sessions.

5. Feedback & Evolution:

Your feedback is our compass. Regular check-ins ensure we're aligned, and adjustments are made as needed to ensure your satisfaction and success.

Replicah says Creative Consulting and Direction, Sabrina Bühlmann
Personal Branding

Embark on a journey to authentic 'Personal Branding' with my specialized service. I excel at identifying your unique strengths and talents, creating a personal brand that truly reflects your essence, whether for business, projects, or artistic goals.

You will receive a comprehensive Personal Brand Catalogue and Guide, spanning 10-25 pages, tailored to your needs.

Price: $5,000 - $20,000 according to your desired requirements.


What you get:

  • A professional image style that aligns with your personality and goals.

  • Your personal story, woven into your brand for deeper connection and impact.

  • A style and brand guide, including a personalized color palette to set you apart.

  • A trends forecast to keep your personal brand ahead and relevant.

  • Feedback and adaptation support after implementation to fine-tune your brand's resonance.

Creative Direction

Whether you're launching a new product, planning a campaign, or seeking a fresh Creative Direction for any of your projects, this model ensures a dedicated, concept approach to bring your vision to life.

We specialize in developing unique and memorable creative concepts. Our focus is on guiding you to understand and leverage future trends, aiming to create deep connections between your brand and audiences.

We are known for turning campaigns into impactful experiences.

Price: according to your desired requirements.

Post-Project Options:

  • Go Solo: Take the concept and run with it, implementing as you see fit.

  • Stay Connected: Transition into our subscription service for ongoing creative direction and consulting or book an executive creation service with us or our partners.


This collaboration model is designed for individuals, brands and businesses eager to tap into the influence and reach of the [Replicah says] brand / universe.


As our personal brand has grown, so has our community of loyal followers.

By partnering with us, you gain access to this engaged audience, opening doors to new opportunities and heightened brand visibility.

Price: according to your desired requirements.

  • Long-Term Growth: Our aim is to foster long-lasting partnerships. By consistently delivering value to our partners, we ensure mutual growth, deep connections and success.

Social Media Concept


Elevate your online impact with my 'Social Media Concept' service.

Perfect for those building from our 'Personal Branding' base or looking to engage more creatively with their community, this service offers a personalized social media strategy, complete with posting schedules, trend insights, and content creation guidance, all designed to deepen trust and connection with your audience.


  • Small Package : $1,500
    Includes social media strategy, video scripting, post planning, content creation tools, and a metrics review with one adaptation after a month.


  • Medium Package : $5,500
    Builds on the Small Package with a social media style and brand guide, trend forecasts, short-video templates, and a 1h workshop on tool usage.


  • Large Package : (Price according to your desired requirements.)
    Expands on Small and Medium Packages with executive creation services such as videography, music production, design, and photography.

Photo / Video / Music

Discover the essence of your brand with my Executive Creation Service, offering expert photography, videography, music production, and design.


My experienced, empathetic approach ensures a seamless, enjoyable experience in front of the camera or behind the scenes, focusing on the details that make your story unique.

Specialized in advertising, editorial, and product still-life, I craft each project to authentically echo your distinct vision, making every creation a standout representation of your brand or artistic identity.

Price: according to your desired requirements.


The Executive Creation Service is a comprehensive creative suite that encompasses

  • photography

  • videography

  • music-production

  • design

Idea Laboratory


Navigate the dynamic world of creativity with my 'Idea Laboratory' service, offering on-the-spot guidance and creative consulting.

Whether you're grappling with a challenging project, tackling a creative block, or in search of a burst of inspiration, I'm here to provide the spark and direction you need. For those moments when you need immediate ideas, feedback, or guidance, my consultation services are readily available.

Consultation Fees:

  • 30 Minutes: $222

  • 60 Minutes: $444

This service ensures you have access to expert advice precisely when you need it, helping to keep your creative endeavors on track and inspired.

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